Neil Cohen - Executive Board Member (; communal strategy and related action plan; seudah shelishit; Representative to Board of Deputies
David Cohen - Financial Representative (;
Paul Jackson - Senior Warden; Representative to Federation Council
Miles Boyden - Warden; communal strategy and related action plan; seudah shelishit
Hannah Boyden - Events
Dina Ellenbogen - Children’s services
Viv Green - Welfare Committee; Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ele Osen
Gilles Michel
Francine Liebert - Events
Ray Peacock - Shul security
Marc Radus - Adult and young adult learning; communal strategy and related action plan; shul security; heating management - shul
Jeremy Raphael - Events; new members; host families – Shabbat and Yom Tov meals
Henry Dony - (Ex-officio) - Interiors Committee; Representative to Federation Council
Mattea Anstey ( - Member and Marketing Coordinator; website and social media, newsletter